Member of the Vert.x and Quarkus teams.
From deep into the Nice mountains, Stéphane works for Red Hat on the Vert.x and Quarkus project.
Passionate hacker in Java, C, Perl or Scheme. A web standards and database enthusiast, he implemented among other things a WYSIWYG XML editor, a multi-threading library in C, a mobile-agent language in Scheme (compiler and virtual machines), and some Web 2.0 RESTful services and rich web interfaces with JavaScript and HTML 5.
Eager to share, he is a frequent speaker at various conferences such as the Scheme Workshop, Nice University, Devoxx, JavaOne, JavaZone, JAX, many Java User Groups as well as the Riviera Java User Group he co-leads. A long-time open-source user and advocate, he worked on Ceylon, RESTEasy, Redpipe, Reactive Contexts, jax-doclets, stamps.js and various Play! Framework modules. He is also co-creator of the Riviera DEV conference.
He now works full time on various Vert.x and Quarkus projects for Red Hat.
We have talked about this Quarkus “Panache” thing recently in this blog, but we should probably get into a little more detail about what it is, and why it matters.
First thing, to clarify, we’re talking about “Hibernate ORM with Panache”, which roughly means we’re talking about a flamboyant and reckless flavour of Hibernate ORM.
This means two essential things:
It’s the full Hibernate ORM, not anything less
But it looks different to what you’re used to
You can fallback at any time and even mix vanilla JPA and Panache